Our company
IBZ-Salzchemie GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2003 by Dipl.-Chemist Gabriele Ziegenbalg and Prof. Dr. Gerald Ziegenbalg. Since then, we have served clients from all continents. In 2019, Dr. Sven Ziegenbalg joined our family business. We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists, engineers and technicians with broad experiences in applied research and development as well as special analytics. Our experiences cover technical inorganic chemistry which means chemical engineering and processing of raw materials, geotechnics, salt technology, the development of construction materials as well as the immobilization of contaminants.
Based on several years of own research and development in 2010 we brought our CaLoSiL® products on the market, which is a new generation of materials for stone consolidation on the basis of nanolime (nano Ca(OH)2). Today, several types of CaLoSiL® are produced together with special lime based paints, mortars and injection grouts. The product range is completed by our patented mold and algae remover CaSoPaL®.
While in the start phase, we used rented rooms and laboratories. In 2011 it became possible to move into our own company building. On a total area of 650 m2 we have now 8 laboratories with sophisticated equipment available for Research & Development as well as for production. At the end of 2020, the expansion of the company building began, which gives us another 180 m², divided into laboratories, technical center and offices.
We are able to realize small scale laboratory tests along with investigation in the pilot scale range. Our philosophy is to carry out all research and development and consultancy in strong partnership with our clients based on of absolute confidentiality.
We offer trainees and students many possibilities for practical training and support the preparation of Bachelor and Master Thesis – please contact us for detailed information.
We are working in close cooperation with our clients.
Short realization times and confidentiality are main aspects of our work.
Your contact persons:

Prof. Dr. Gerald Ziegenbalg
Phone +49 (0) 3731 200155

Dr. Sven Ziegenbalg
Authorized Manager
Phone +49 (0) 3731 200157

Dipl.-Chem. Gabi Ziegenbalg
Project Manager
Phone +49 (0) 3731 200155

Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Quade
Process Engineer
Phone +49 (0) 3731 200157
Dorothee Schwalbe
Laboratory Manager
Kathrin Brümmer
Lab Technician
Kerstin Schmieder
Chemical Engineer (FH)
Prof. Dr. Gerald Ziegenbalg - Curriculum Vitae:

- 11/2011
- Assignment to honorary professor at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden
- 07/2011
- Opening of the own company building
- 05/2010
- Transformation of “Ingenieurbuero Dr. Ziegenbalg GbR“ into “IBZ-Salzchemie GmbH & Co. KG“
- 2008 - 2011
- Coordinator of the EU-project “STONECORE“
- 01/2006
- Leaving of TU Mining Academy Freiberg (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) and exclusive occupation as CEO at “Ingenieurbuero Dr. Ziegenbalg GbR“
- 2003
- Foundation of IBZ-Freiberg, Chemical and Geochemical Consultancy Dr. Ziegenbalg (Ingenieurbuero Dr. Ziegenbalg GbR)
- 2001 - 2004
- Coordinator of the EU-project “CRYSTECHSALIN“ (Crystallization Technologies for Prevention of Saline Water Intrusion) Development of technologies to reduce the permeability of coastal aquifers by directed crystallization processes
- 04/1999
- “Facultas Docenti“ in Chemical Engineering, private lecture, teaching of all subjects of “Technical Chemistry“ (Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology)
- 06/1998
- Habilitation in Engineering Chemistry: “Reactions, intermediates and technologies for the production of amorphous Si3N4-powders by vapour phase reaction between SiCl4 and NH3“
- 04/1990
- Institute for Technical Chemistry, TU Mining Academy Freiberg, Senior scientist, project manager and head of the following projects:
- Development of large-scale process for the synthesis of Si3N4 powders by reacting chlorosilanes with NH3 in the gas phase, BMBF-project with the Bayer AG, Uerdingen, (1992 - 1997)
- Synthesis, characterization and modification of catalysts based on amorphous silicon nitride, DFG-project, (1997 - 2000)
- Development of a process for heavy metal immobilization in the Koenigstein - mine of Wismut GmbH and its large-scale implementation (1993 - 2003)
- Technologies and methods for long term stabilization and isolation of uranium mill tailings, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, (2000 - 2003)
- Basic research and reactor development for the production of solar silicon by silane decomposition, joint project with Joint Solar Silicone GmbH & Co. KG, (2002 - 2006)
- 1986 - 1990
- PhD Thesis in Inorganic Chemistry: “Stable and metastabile solid – liquid phase equilibriums of the system Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42- // H2O in the temperature range between 90 °C and 140 °C“
- 1981 - 1986
- Study of Chemistry at Mining Academy Freiberg
Publications of Prof. Dr. Gerald Ziegenbalg:
Ziegenbalg, G., Drdacky, M., Dietze, C., Schuch, D.
Nanomaterials in Architecture and Art Conservation, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2018, ISBN 978-981-4800-26-6
Ziegenbalg, G., Dobrzyńska-Musiela, M.
NANOLIME – possible applications for the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage
in: Proceedings of "REHABEND"; May 24-27, 2016. Burgos.
Sprung, C., Heimfahrt, J., Erker, J., Ziegenbalg, G., Pätzold, C., Singliar, U., Fröhlich, P., Müller, A., Schubert, C., Roewer, G., Bohmhammel, K., Mertens, F., Seidel, J., Bertau, M., Kroke, E., Hydrogen Terminated Silicon Nanopowders:
Gas Phase Synthesis, oxidation behaviour, and Si-H Reactivity. Silicon, June 2014, 1876-1990, DOI: 10.1007/s12633-014-9206-2
Ziegenbalg, G., Piaszczynski, E.;
The Combined Application of Calcium hydroxide Nano-Sols and Silicic Acid Ester - A promising way to consolidate Stone and Mortar
in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Stone Deterioration, New York 2012
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Grouting by Controlled Crystallization of Supersaturated Solutions: A new Technology to Seal Porous and Fractured Rock Formations and Stop Water Inflows into Mines
in: Grouting and Deep mixing; Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing; New Orleans 2012, edited by. L.F. Johnsen; published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 228, pp. 1934-1947
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Stone Conservation for Refurbishment of Buildings (STONECORE) – A Project Funded in the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union;
in: Cultural Heritage Preservation, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation; edited by: Krüger, M;. Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, 2011, pp. 240-245
Maryniak-Piaszczynski,E., Ziegenbalg, G.;
Nano-lime as a binder for injection grouts and repair mortars
in: Historic Mortars - HMC 2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM final workshop; edited by J. Válek, C. Groot and J.J. Hughes; e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-112-4; pp. 1159 – 1167
Ziegenbalg, G., Brümmer, K., Pianski, J.;
Nano-lime - a new material for the consolidation and conservation of historic mortars
in: Historic Mortars - HMC 2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM final workshop; edited by J. Válek, C. Groot and J.J. Hughes; e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-112-4; pp. 1301 - 1309
Drdácký, M., Slížková, Z., Ziegenbalg, G.;
Α Nano Approach to Consolidation of Degraded Historic Lime Mortars
Journal of Nano Research Vol. 8 (2009) pp 13-22
Ziegenbalg. G., Gosselin, J., Johnson, Ch.;
Grouting by controlled gypsum crystallization from supersaturated solutions – a new way to reduce brine inflows into salt and potash mines
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Salt, Beijing 2009, Gold Wall. Press, edited by: Sha Zuoling, p. 213-9
Maryniak-Piaszczynski, E.; Egloffstein, P., Ziegenbalg G.;
The portal in Tholey – unconventional method for the preservation of scaling and shelled sandstone; in: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone; Torun, 2008. edited by: Lukaszewicz, E; Niencewicz, P., 1247-1256
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Colloidal calcium hydroxide – a new material for consolidation and conservation of carbonatic stones; in: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone; Torun, 2008. edited by: Lukaszewicz, E; Niencewicz, P., 1109-1115
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Directed and controlled crystallisation of slightly soluble minerals - a new technology to seal water inflows and to immobilise contaminants, in: Proceedings of the 10th IMWA congress, Karlovy Vary, 2008
Ziegenbalg, G.;
A novel technology for sealing and Immobilization – the use of precipitation processes from supersaturated solutions
in: Merkel, B.J, Hasche-Berger, A.;(eds.); Uranium in the Environment, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006, pp. 449-458
Jenk, U.; Zimmermann, U., Ziegenbalg, G.;
The use of BaSO4 supersaturated solutions for in-situ immobilization of heavy metals in the abandoned Wismut GmbH uranium mine at Koenigstein
in: Merkel, B.J, Hasche-Berger, A.;(eds.); Uranium in the Environment, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006, pp. 721-728
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Grouting with mineral forming solutions – a new technique for sealing porous and fractured rock by directed crystallization processes
in: Developments in water science 52; Underground injection science and technology, editors: Chin-Fu Tsang, J.A.. Apps, Elsevier 2005, Chapter 25; 341-358
Ziegenbalg, G., Graupner.,U.;
Construction and properties of chemical barriers created by in-situ crystallization processes
in: Uhlmann, O.; Annokee, F., Arendt, F.;(Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International FZK/TNO conference on soil-water systems, Bordeaux, 2005, pp. 1464-1471
Ziegenbalg, G.;
The application of crystallisation processes for sealing and remediation
Securing the Future; Proceedings of the "international Conference on Mining and Environment, Metals and Energy Recovery"
Skelleftea, Schweden, 2005; 1090-98
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Development of Technologies for in-situ remediation of contaminated sites by directed formation of naturally occurring slightly soluble minerals
in: IAEA-TECDOC-1403, The long term stabilization of uranium mill tailings, International Atomic Energy Agency, August 2004, S. 195-204
Ziegenbalg, G.;
In-situ Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil or rock formations by directed and controlled crystallisation of natural occurring minerals
Proceedings of 6th International Conference "Acid rock drainage"; Cairns, 2003, 1193-1197
Ziegenbalg, G., Schreyer, J., Jenk, U;
Field tests to immobilize contaminants in leached sandstone (in German)
Glückauf Forschungshefte 64 (2003)1, 18-23
Ziegenbalg, G., Schreyer, J., Jenk, U., Pätzold, C., Müller, E.;
In-situ remediation of heavy metals in the former uranium mine Koenigstein of Wismut GmbH (in German)
Glückauf Forschungshefte 64 (2003)2, 53-59
Ziegenbalg, G.:
CRYSTECHSALIN - A european research project investigating possibilities to reduce seawater intrusion in coastal areas, in: IV. Meeting Crystallization Technologies for preventing salt water intrusion, Scanzano, editors: M. Polemio, G. Gallicchio; CNR-CERIST (2002), 4-8.
Ziegenbalg, G., Graupner, U., Opel, K.:
Possibilities to prepare gypsum or calcite forming solutions for sealing of sediments, in: IV. Meeting Crystallization Technologies for preventing salt water intrusion Scanzano, editors: M. Polemio, G. Gallicchio; CNR-CERIST (2002), 22-25.
D. Hullman, G. Wendt, U. Sincliar, G. Ziegenbalg
Propane dehydrogenation over supported platinum silicone nitride catalysts
Applied Catalysis A: General 225 (2002) 261-701
Ziegenbalg, G., Breuel, U., Ebrecht, E., Holldorf, H., Brink, R.;
Synthesis of alpha-silicon nitride powder by gas-phase ammonolysis of CH3SiCl3
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001) 947-958
Ziegenbalg, G.;
The restoration of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sites by Directed and Controlled In-Situ Crystallisation Processes
in: Contaminated Site Remediation: From Source Zones to Ecosystems
editor: C.D. Johnston, Centre for Groundwater Studies, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia, 2000, 753-760
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Sealing and Immobilization by Crystallization – a New Technology to Solve Environmental and Geotechnical Tasks;
in: Environmental Improvements in Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
edited by: M.A: Sanchez, F. Vergara, S.H. Castro, University of Concepcion, Chile 2000, 363-374
Ziegenbalg, G., Pätzold, C., Singliar, U, Brink, R.;
Vapor phase processes – a novel technology to produce nitrides (in German)
Chemische Technik 52 (2000)2, 104-112
D. Hullmann, G. Wendt, G. Ziegenbalg;
Porous silicon nitride as catalyst support (in German)
Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 71 (1999)12, 1410-1413
Ziegenbalg, G.;
In-situ remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil or rock formations and sealing of water inflows by directed and controlled crystallization of natural occurring minerals
in: Mine, Water & Environment (editor: R.F. Rubio), International Congress Sevilla, Spain 1999, 667-672
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Reaction paths and formed intermediates in vapour phase production of amorphous Si3N4-powders (in German)
Freiberger Forschungsheft C 477, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 1999
Ziegenbalg,G., Pätzold, C., Šingliar, U., Holldorf, H.;
Characteristics, properties and new applications of nitride powders produced by vapour phase ammonolysis of SiCl4 and SiCl4/BCl3 mixtures
9th, CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress, Ceramics: Getting into the 2000`s – Part B, 195-202, Editor: P. Vincenzini, Techna Srl., 1999
Ziegenbalg, G., Focke, Th., Holldorf, H., Brink, R., Lange, H.;
The reaction of SiCl4 with NH3 at atmospheric pressure in the temperature range between 525 and 850 °C, Journal of Materials Science 34 (1999)9, 2199-2206
Ziegenbalg, G.;
The use of crystallisation processes for solving geotechnical tasks
in: Beiträge zur Kristallisation anorganischer Stoffe aus Lösungen
Freiberger Forschungsheft A 853, 1999, S. 162-178 (in German)
G. Ziegenbalg, K.S. Crosby;
A review of a pilot test to reduce brine inflows with controlled crystallization of gypsum at the IMC K2 brine inflow
Mineral Resources Engineering Vol. 6, No. 4 (1997) 173-184
Ziegenbalg, G.; Schreyer J.;
In-situ fixation of heavy metals in the former uranium mine Koenigstein at Wismut GmbH, Germany (in German)
Proceedings 7. Workshop der Wismut GmbH, Chemnitz, September 1997
Ziegenbalg, G., Focke, Th., Holldorf, H., Brink, R., Lange H.;
Reactions between SiCl4 and NH3 leading to the formation of silicon nitride powders
Key Engineering Materials 132-136(1997)149-152
Ziegenbalg, G.;
Alternatives in sealing off porous rock formations by directed and controlled crystallization of slightly soluble minerals
in: Proceedings of the Fall 1995 Meeting of the Solution Mining Research Institute, San Antonio, USA
Ziegenbalg, G., Holldorf, H.;
Salt production from geothermal brines
in: Geothermische Energie - Nutzung, Erfahrung, Perspektive
Forum für Zukunftsenergien e.V., Schriftenreihe des Forums, 1994, Band 33, 265 (in German)
Holldorf, H., Kellner, G., Ziegenbalg, G.;
Characterisation of highly mineralised solutions used for geothermal energy production
in: Schulz, R.(editor) Geothermische Energie: Forschung und Anwendung in Deutschland
Verlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe 1992, 122-35 (in German)
Holldorf, H., Ziegenbalg, G., Schmidt, B.;
Recovery of Lithium Compounds from Natural Salt Brines
Seventh Symposium on Salt, Vol. I, 571-575 (1993)
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam
Ziegenbalg G., Holldorf, H.;
Estimation of the solid-liquid-phase equilibria of the quinary system Na+, K+, Mg2+/Cl-, SO42-//H2O and the hexary system Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+/Cl- , SO42-//H2O in a temperature range below 140°C
Seventh Symposium on Salt, Vol. I, 549-553 (1993)
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam
Petrenko, S.V., Valjashko, V.M, Ziegenbalg, G.;
The system Na+, K+, Mg2+/Cl-, SO42-//H2O at temperatures up to 140°C (in Russian)
Zh. Neorg. Khim. 37(1992)9, 2111-20
Ziegenbalg, G., Emons, H.-H., Fanghänel, Th.;
The solid-liquid phase equilibria of Marine evaporites at high temperatures (in German)
Kali und Steinsalz 10(1991)11, 366-76
Emons, H.-H., Ziegenbalg, G., Gaitzsch, H.;
Chemical aspects related to the sealing of brine inflows in potash mines (in German)
Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 135(1990)4, 1265
Emons, H.-H., Ziegenbalg, G., Naumann, R., Paulik, F.;
Thermal decomposition of the magnesium sulphate hydrates under quasi-isothermal and quasi-isobaric conditions
Journal of thermal analysis 36(1990)4, 1265
IBZ-Salzchemie GmbH & Co. KG holds several patents, among others for rock sealing by controlled gypsum or calcium carbonate formation from supersaturated solutions and for the production of nanolime.
Selected research projects over the last few years:
- Stonecore - Stone Conservation for Refurbishment of Buildings (project coordination, 12 partners from 7 European countries)
- Axioma - targeted release of biocides in building materials (international partner)
Project funded by the Development Bank of Saxony:
- Exentsion of the toolbox for the conservastion of stone, mortar and plaster
- Database and modelling tool for salt solutions
- Development of new materials for sealing of rock and soil formations and for applications in road construction (partner: BORNIT-Werk Aschenborn GmbH)
- Development and testing of newly materials for mold and algae control (partner: University of Applied Art Dresden)
Projects funded by the German Central Innovation Programme for SMEs:
- Lime building kit system based on nanolime (partner: Strotmann und Partner)
- Development of a procedure for long-time in-situ immobilization of heavy metals (partner: Brenk Systemplanung GmbH)
Our resarch projects have been supported by:
We realize all work in close cooperation with our client. High quality and confidentiality are taken for granted. For that reason, we do not name our clients. But we can guarantee that all the work is based on high scientific level under consideration of the current state of the art.